Tuesday, May 27, 2008

My freewrite on Who my favorite teacher is.

Robin Mosely was the best teacher I ever had. She wasn't a school teacher but a fitness instructor. She was an inspiration to me and numerous of other people when it came to fitness. She is a great motivator with high expectations with a soft touch to it.
The qualities about her that I admire the most were her ability to motivate me to the point that I didn't know I could go.
When I met Robin I was 30 lbs overweight and didn't have a clue about being health conscious. I started going to the gym to lose weight but didn't have a clue as to what I was doing. I figured I'd start taking aerobic classes to start off with. My first class, I tripped over my bench in front of everyone. Soon I got the hang of the moves and how to move with the music. The more classes I attended, the more intrigued by the instructors I became. They were like movie stars to me. To get in front of a big group of people and teach a type of choreography and not choke was amazing to me. I wanted the confidence they had as they taught. People talked about them and looked up to them. I wanted that. I wanted to be a leader and a teacher.
I started loving the gym and spent twice a day there. My husband was deployed and I was making quite a bit of changes in my life at that time. Since my husband was gone, I was spending more time at the gym. The more time I spent at the gym, the more classes I took. I started researching what exercises worked best and how to eat better. The more involved I became with learning about fitness the more I felt the call to teach.
One day I expressed to Robin that I was interested in teaching and she said if I wanted to, I could teach the abs portion of her class. I was so interested that I went home and started making routines for a 5 minute abs section. When I gave the okay to Robin that I would do it, I chickened out. I was so nervous, I almost threw up. But Robin continued to reassure me and ask if I wanted to teach that day. For some reason she saw something (maybe potential) in me and continued to motivate me and challenge me to what I now think is the best thing I've ever done. After watching her class after class she became a role model for me. Robin strived to motivate people to care not only about their weight but their health choices. Usually Robin gave out recipes at the end of classes that were easy and healthy. I not only enjoyed the teacher and leader she was but I looked up to the person she was and the lifestyle she lead.
I think Robin is the reason why I became an instructor and the reason why I excelled to the top since I've been teaching. Robin saw the potential in me as a leader and a teacher and pushed me to overcome my fears of teaching and leading a class in fitness.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Megan, Robin sounds like a very caring and good person. Often it is hard to take time for others in our life. She sounds like a true teacher and friend. Good luck with the in class essay...