Monday, May 12, 2008

The Simpsons

When I read this article I was amused and educated all at the same time. I like how the author criticized the Simpsons but obliviously watches it enough to critique it they way he did. My husband and I watch The Simpsons almost every night. I was not allowed to watch this show growing up and I know why watching it as an adult. But it has become a ritual between us to watch this show together. I’m sure we could find something a little more educational but I make the point we are adults and can decipher the good from the bad.
There was a part in this article that made me laugh out loud. The writer was talking about how Otto is a late pot smoking bus driver. It occurred to me that he probably got high but I never thought that in depth about it. He went on to stay that nobody knew Homer’s job title and that he repeatedly got fired and then rehired for no reason. I was also tickled when I read that the show pokes fun at politics, government, and church. I sat back and thought at some of the episode that I had seen and remember the jokes that were directed towards these certain groups. He picked apart the opening credits of the show in such detail that I never viewed it that way. I’ve always understood that Homer was the definition of an irresponsible drunk, and incompetent father. This show has no positive message. But the writer does go on to say that even though the show lacks morals and values, the show shouldn’t be taken seriously.
This article was intriguing to me and I will now look at the Simpsons in a more critical critiquing type of way!

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