Sunday, April 27, 2008

wanting to do more!

I'm going to vent for a second. I read how to say nothing in 500 words and it gave me a little fire underneath my rear to want to write better. But as I sit and think about what I want to write for my next paper, I draw a blank. Then that makes me feel as if I'm not going to be able to get creative. I feel as if I always think inside the box, kinda like I'm not smart enough to think outside that box. So even though that paper gave me hope, I still don't know how to get creative with writing. I reread the tips that he gave but all his ideas were great but then I try to think of some and..... aww nothing!! It's so fustrating. I really want to be able to write but I feel as if I don't have all of the tools to make the wheels turn in my brain! So not only was this essay very encouraging but discourage as well!

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